Tiếng Anh

Come And Rest Awhile

The U. S. National Institute of Health met together for a special symposium in 1994. The topic was “fatigue” and the end result was a published position called “Wake Up America: A National Sleep Alert.” The study found that many Americans are functionally handicapped because they are just not getting enough rest.

Since 1969, Americans have added 158 hours to the total annual working/commuting time. Five thousand people die in sleep-related accidents each year and thousands more are injured. Billions of dollars are wasted in hospital bills, damages, and lost productivity.

People who feel chronically fatigued have a lower tolerance to daily stress, reports Dr. Philip Collins of Fletcher Memorial Hospital. The result is poor interpersonal relationships with co-workers and sadly, more marital breakups and family problems.

For all of us to avoid the harmful and often detrimental affects of fatigue, we must somehow organize our lives to have time for things that really matter the most. Often, we are too tired and unable to enjoy the things we have been working so hard to achieve. There needs to be a better quality of life.

Jesus himself was one of the busiest people on earth, but he knew the importance of rest. He said to his disciples, “ ‘Come aside by yourselves in a deserted place and rest a while.’ For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have a time to eat” (Mark 6:31, NKJV). Isaiah 30:15, NKJV says, “In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”

Here are some tips for getting a good night’s rest:

1. Watch less TV. Researchers in sleep say to turn off the TV at least 30 minutes before going to bed.

2. Avoid overwork. Mental strain produces a restless night.

3. Avoid stimulants. Beware of caffeine, for example. It may be keeping you awake all night.

4. Avoid large meals late at night. The body cannot digest a lot of food and experience deep sleep at the same time.

5. Exercise regularly in the open air. Research indicates regular exercise significantly improves sleep and long-term health.

6. Drink water. Drink 6 to 8 glasses throughout the day.

7. Sleep at the same time each evening. The body works best on a regular work and sleep schedule.

8. Have peace of mind. This is one of the most important factors. If there is any hidden sin in your heart, any wrongs done to another, make it right. Nothing destroys rest and peace more than a sin we are trying to hide. And finally, knowing God gives the perfect peace and rest. “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you” (Isa. 26:3, NKJV). God lovingly says to us, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Ex. 33:14, NKJV).

Ly Lan Nguyen

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