Tiếng Anh

Camp Meeting 1997 ” Unity in Christ “

Anationwide Vietnamese camp meeting sponssored by the Vietnamese church in El monte was held on August 14-17, 1997 at Camp Cedar Falls in Southern California. The camp meeting was a great success in which over 280 people attended. People came from all different places such as Oregon, Arizona, Texas, Florida, Idaho, Massachutsetts, Idiana, Hawaii, Vierginia, France and Australia. Guest speakers included Pastor Phaïm Thieän from Florida and Pastor Döông Saùu from Oregon. Guest speakers for the youth were Tony Anobile SCC Collegiate/Youth Director, Dan Savino, SCC West Region Director; and, music was provided by the Gelndale Filipino Youth Band. The camp meeting provided something for everone. There were uplifting spiritual talks, a Bible/training witnessing class, relationship seminars, special youth programs, sports such as basketball, volleyhyball, tennis, hiking and swimming, Bible Quiz-O-Rama, and a camp fire program filled with singing, skits and sharing time. “I really enjoyed the large number of youth that came and participated at the camp. It was really touching when we all joined voices to sing special music. I am definitely looking forward to the next camp,” said Frances Nguyen, a youth member.

Ly Lan Nguyen

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