Tiếng Anh

A Christmas Gift

“Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord” Luke 2:10, 11.

It was early morning on Christmas day. Iris, was 12 years old and she and her three younger brothers could hardly
wait to open all their presents under the Christmas tree. Their mother was a single parent and the family budget was tight at times. Still, mother always tried to make Christmas extra special for the children. She made them a lovely dinner and bought toys, clothes and other special things to brighten their holiday.
A few hours later, mother sat in the living room, wearing her usual worn slippers and faded housedress. She was taking a short break when Iris walked by with somewhat of a frown on her face. “I’m bored,” Iris sighed, “There is nothing to do!” At Iris’ remark, mother was shocked, but soon a great sadness filled her eyes. Mother tried so hard to make the day special, but Iris seemed not to appreciate it. Iris began to realize how much her mother worked and sacrificed to raise her and her three brothers. Her mother always put the needs of the children above her own needs. Iris never forgot the look on her mother’s face, and she determined from that day forward, never to disappoint her mother and to always appreciate the many things her mother did for her.
There is someone that has not only given a special gift to us but also has given His whole life. Jesus Christ came to this earth to be born as a little baby, to live, and later to die just for each one of us. Jesus came that we might have abundant life on this earth and to enjoy eternal life in Heaven with Him. Jesus is our Savior and our Lord.
The Christmas season is a special time to remember and appreciate the many gifts and blessings that Jesus has so freely given each of us because of His great love. What present can we give to Jesus? It is not something that we can wrap up and sent to Him. We give a gift to Jesus by every unselfish act to others and by every word of kindness that we say. Our actions and our whole life can be a special present for Him.
I hope that we all in the coming new year, remember to be thankful for all of the blessings Jesus has given to us, and to share these gifts to others.
Ly Lan Nguyen

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