Pavel Petrov from Tula, Russia was born in a world of silence. Both Pavel and his parents are deaf. As a young child, Pavel’s parents taught him sign language and later sent him to a far away school for hearing impaired children.
He missed his parents and especially his grandmother, a devout Orthodox Christian. Pavel remembered his grandmother praying morning and evening. Even at his young age, Pavel wanted to have a deeper spiritual life like his grandmother. As Pavel grew older, he continued to search for a meaningful spiritual relationship and experimented with many different religions and beliefs. During high school, he became interested in becoming a psychic healer. His psychic instructor said that if he studied seriously, he could become as powerful as Jesus Christ himself!
Pavel was dazzled by the thought and intently studied the materials his instructor gave him. Several months passed by before Pavel realized his psychic studies were not drawing closer him to God, but were pulling him towards evil and Satan. One night he dreamed that he was standing within a large crowd of people. Jesus Christ was among the crowd but Pavel did not pay attention to him. Suddenly Pavel felt surrounded in a cloud of darkness and heavy chains bound him, pulling him downward. He cried out for help, but to no avail. Finally, Pavel cried out to Jesus, “Save me Lord, and I will surrender my life to you!” Jesus immediately stretched out his hand and pulled Pavel up. The chains fell down as if made of paper.
When he awoke, Pavel determined to follow the true God. He began attending a Seventh-day Adventist Church in Tula, Russia and soon committed his heart to God in Bible baptism. He had found answers to the deepest longings in his heart.
Upon research, Pavel discovered that there were more than 2,000 hearing impaired people living in the vicinity of Tula. He suddenly realized that he had a special calling to share with other deaf citizens the truth about God. Pavel understood the loneliness and difficulty of being deaf in society. He also understood how it is to wander among religious confusion and the peace and joy in finding God.
Pavel has formed a Bible study group of 75 hearing impaired believers who love to learn about God. He is now currently enrolled in the Zaosky Theological Seminary where he is studying to be a pastor. Pavel has turned his disability into a powerful opportunity to serve and help others.
Ly Lan Nguyen
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