In this day and age, many people are focused on their own needs, fighting for their own rights, leaving little time for
the needs to others. Usually negative behavior makes the headlines, rather than positive ones. Yet, there are ordinary people, people just like you and I, that strive to make a difference in someone else’s life.
Mail carrier, Eric Wills, is one person who tries to make the lives of people in his neighborhood easier. Every day, Wills makes a 10-mile delivery route through St. Petersburg, Florida. Some homes he sees are kept nice and neat, while other homes have lawns overgrown with weeds and grass. He realized that most of the unkept yards were owned by the elderly who just were not able to care for their lawns. One day Wills decided to mow some of these unsightly lawns on his own time, at his own expense. Wills says, “A yard is an outward appearance of a person’s life, I try to help people see something positive. Now with a little help from friends and donated equipment, Eric Wills mows 18 lawns on a regular basis. Eighty-seven year old Lucille Formanek says, “This mailman is a godsend.”
Microsoft executive John Wood was hiking in Nepal 10 years ago when he came across a school of approximately 450 students. He was astonished to find that the entire school library only had about 12 paperback books. The schoolmaster said, “Perhaps Sir, you will come back with books.” The next year Wood indeed came back and brought approximately 3,000 donated books. Later on, Wood left Microsoft and began the “Room to Read” organization, has built over 5,000 libraries, publishes children’s books and provides scholarships. So far, 1.7 million children have benefited from the generosity and dedication of one caring person.
It is inspiring to see people committing their time and money to help others in need. They did it out of a generous heart, without any promise of reward or gain. Ordinary people can do extraordinary things. You and I can also make a difference in the lives of others. “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world” (James 1:27). True religion is found in people who sees the needs in others and lend a helping hand.
By our own example and generosity, people can know about Christ through us. Even more importantly, we can share with others about the good news of salvation. We can enrich people’s lives here on earth and also share with them about the hope of eternal life with God.
Cynthia Ly Lan Nguyen
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