“He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name ” (John 1:11, 12).
A friend of mine told me of an elderly woman who realized her sinfulness and confessed all to Jesus. She testified, “Well, I ain’t what I ought to be, and I ain’t what I am going to be, but anyhow, praise God, I ain’t what I used to be!” She did not claim the right to be child of God because of her perfect life, but because she had believed in and received Jesus. He had given her “the right to become” one of God’s “children,” and she was still on her way up.
Some of dread failure in their spiritual life, especially after reading in the Scriptures the high standard God expects of them. But if we “believe” and “receive,” Jesus gives us “the right to become children of God.” The word “right” used here is synonym for the word “authority.” We can revel in the assurance that Jesus has given us permission to call ourselves sons and daughters of God.
But we must allow Jesus into our lives. They key word is “receive.” Notice carefully that we do not simply accept a doctrine or belief; we receive Him. It’s a person we let into our lives, the person of Jesus Christ. When we believe in Jesus and receive Him as our personal Saviour, we then understand the real meaning of life.
A 3-year-old child lived in a foster home, penniless and unloved. A wealthy couple fell in love with her and she with them, and they adopted the child. She became the gleam in their eyes, the treasure of their hearts.
Believing that they were her parents, she received them as much. They told her that she was adopted, then reminded her that other people have to take what they get when a child is born, but they chose her. Designated their heir, she inherited their fortune. It was her right. Jesus chose you as His child. If you believe in Him and have received Him as your Saviour, you have “the right to become” a child of God and to become an heir to a heavenly mansion in which you will live eternally! What higher certainty can you receive than that?
H.M.S. Richards, Jr.
from The Best News Ever, May 28