Tiếng Anh


Make me to understand the way of thy precepts: so shall I talk of thy wondrous works. (Psalm 119:27)

Two men were walking down a busy street in New York City. One of the men stopped and said, “Did you hear that?” “Hear what?” replied his friend. The first man said, “Listen.” Again the noise came. He led his friend down a couple of stairs. Over between two bricks was a cricket singing his song. The second man said to the first, “How did you hear that?” “Watch,” replied his friend. He went back up onto the sidewalk and dropped a coin. Many people stopped walking to look for the fallen coin. There are people today whose ears are tuned to the sound of money but are not tuned to the sound of a cricket. There are also people whose ears are tuned to the many sounds of nature. I have suggested to boys and girls that they sit down outdoors and cover their eyes with a blindfold and just listen to the sounds of nature. Try it yourself sometime. God’s world has so much going on in it that we sometimes hear or see very little because we are caught up in the busy life we are living. There are many sounds that when listened for are very melodious. There are many beautiful sights to be seen if we will just take time to do so. We have a porch on the back of our house that faces west. We stop many evenings and watch the beautiful sunsets take place. From our bedroom window we see many beautiful sunrises. So many people miss these beautiful sights because they refuse to take time to look. They are too busy! God wants us to take time for both of His books—the Bible and nature. We can learn many lessons from God’s Word, and we can learn many lessons from God’s world. God can teach us spiritual lessons from His physical world. Ask God to impress you to take time to stop, look, and listen to His Word and His world.

Charles C. Case

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