My husband and I have been busy the last few months preparing for the ACTS 2000 “Revelation of Hope”
worldwide evangelistic meetings by Mark Finley. Our Church members have been visiting people, giving Bible studies, advertising on the radio, passing out flyers, etc. to prepare for this great event. We have rented a 15-seat passenger van to transport people to the meetings each night.
Although these meetings have taken much time and effort, I have found the experience to be greatly rewarding. I admit that there have been times in working in the ministry, when I felt really tired and depressed. Sometimes I almost wanted to give up. I would get on my knees and just cry out to the Lord. I prayed that God would give me a loving heart, wisdom for His work, and strength to press forward just one more day.
But somehow in these meetings, the effort put towards winning souls, making friends for God, has been worth it all. It is so exciting to see people making decisions to follow God. People are finding new hope for their lives, their family, and their future. Bible truths are coming alive for the first time for many people. I can hardly wait to see these dear people giving their hearts to God and being baptized. In Galatians 6:9 it says, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” God encourages us not to become tired of His work, because we will see the results of our labor. He will bless our efforts.
I know that God’s Spirit is coming down on these meetings in Los Angeles and around the world. The experience of working for these evangelistic meetings has helped me to see the wonderful joy of service for God once again. I encourage you, if you have never done so, to go out and share the love of God to others. You will not be disappointed and you will surely gain blessings a hundredfold.
Ly Lan Nguyen
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