In Biblical history, the destruction of Jerusalem was tragic result of a nation who rejected God’s messages, His prophets, and His laws. God sent messengers to warn the people of their evil doings and to remind them of His commandments. Because of the love for His people, the Lord forewarned Jerusalem to change their ways. Yet the supposed people of God rejected His messengers, rejected the signs and warnings, killed the prophets, and eventually crucified the greatest gift of mercy—God’s own Son. Throughout history, God continually pleads with His children and bestows every possible opportunity for people to turn back to Him. The Bible records the sad history of Jerusalem. “And the Lord God of their fathers sent to them by his messengers, rising up betimes, and sending; because he had compassion on his people, and on his dwelling place: But they mocked the messengers of God and despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the Lord arose against his people, till there was no remedy” (II Chronicles 36:15, 16).
Here in the United States, we have much favor and opportunity. This country began as a place where Christians escaped to find freedom and a peaceful place to live and worship God. Our forefathers endeavored to structure America with freedom of religion and freedom to live in a democratic society. Yet today, many people are taking the freedom to extremes and forgetting the God who led them to freedom in the first place. With so much opportunity, knowledge and freedom available, many people are rejecting Bible truth, disregarding the 10 commandments, and rejecting the signs of the times of Jesus’ soon return. In Matthew 24:12, the Bible describes people at the end times as follows, “Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” People in pursuit of wealth and pleasure are increasingly disregarding the laws of God and thus, the standards of morality are on the sharp decline. People are turning their back to the needs of others simply out of carelessness or neglect. Those spiritual leaders who are urging society to turn back to God are often scoffed upon and told to, “Keep your preaching to yourself.”
Could society today be falling into the same pattern as Jerusalem did when they rejected the messages of God? God calls us to come back to Him. He pleads with every one of us to turn back from our evil ways and follow the truth, before it is too late. In the past, the nation of Jerusalem stubbornly rejected the pleadings of God for so long that they finally lost the Lord’s protective care and reaped the consequences of their own actions. Their stubbornness lead to the fall of their nation to the Romans, persecution of the 1st centuries, and the dark ages.
Whenever people go astray from God’s law, guidance and protective care, Satan takes control according to his will. People suffer the results of their own choices. History will repeat itself in this regard. As a people and a nation, let us turn back to God and His commandments. Only then will we find true security and happiness in the times ahead.
Ly Lan Nguyen
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