We are all busy with numerous tasks and appointments. Our daily schedule is usually packed with many duties to be done. The Christmas season should be a time to celebrate and reflect on the birth of Jesus. Oftentimes however, the true Christmas spirit is crowded out with parties, Christmas shopping lists, and events. We may feel we must cut our time in prayer to hurry off or we may forget something important. We may be too busy to pray because we have pressing school, work or and business matters.
Soon we become tired, worry and complain because we can not accomplish it all. We cannot solve the many issues in our life. We may often make wrong choices in our business dealings. Even the source of many of the car accidents during the holidays are the result of being too hurried. Most importantly, we do not have the wisdom from God if we do not make time to pray with Him. The time that we rush is usually the time we make the greatest mistakes.
Where is our source of strength? God is the one who will give us the strength and wisdom to carry out our burdens. The Bible says, “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord” (Psalm 27:14).
“You need to watch, lest the busy activities of life lead you to neglect prayer when you most need the strength prayer would give. Godliness is in danger of being crowded out of the soul through overdevotion to business. It is a great evil to defraud the soul of the strength and heavenly wisdom which are waiting your demand. You need that illumination which God alone can give. No one is fitted to transact his business unless he has this wisdom.” Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 560
Prayer is the source of our strength! Without God, we can do nothing. Take time to pray, time to read, and time to meditate on His word. God will give us the strength that our own power fails to accomplish!
Cynthia Ly Lan Nguyen
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