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How Deep The Father’s Love

In life we are daily reminded of God’s love, mercy and grace through our walk as a Christian. With our parents, we see God’s blessings stowed upon us for providing loving fathers and mothers. And as we celebrate Father’s Day in the month of June, we are thankful for the great love and compassion we receive from our fathers. Most importantly, we are thankful for the great love that comes especially from our Father God that is reflected in our own dads. Love that comes from God is indescribable. It is so powerful, pure and impacting. That is why fathers have an important role in showing God’s love. Psalm 103:13 shows us that just as “A father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.” Dads have the role of helping us understand how God is our guide in life if we let Him lead our life.

Just as dads take on the role of protector, our Father in Heaven is our ultimate protector who “Saves you from the fowler’s snare” and “Cover you with his feathers” (Psalm 91:3-4). Fathers have the role of being the fortress and rock of the family and with a father-figure who has built a foundation on Christian beliefs and morals, they are grounded in truth and love. The love that our Father has is so deep that no comparison can be made to how much love He holds for His sons and daughters. It is therefore a great blessing that we can get to see God’s love portrayed through our fathers.

When you find yourself asking about God’s love- listen to the hymnal “How Deep the Father’s Love.” The lyrics of the song remind us about God’s unconditional love. God loved and still loves his sons and daughters because He sent His Son to die for mankind’s sins so that we may gain salvation. How great is God’s love when He brought His Son to take up the sins of others? It is great- a great love that it is deep, much deeper than the dimple in your cheek. It is deeper than the craters on the moon. It is deeper than the deepest sea. God’s love reaches everyone, everywhere and at every time. God’s love is eternal and never-ending. When someone asks you next time how much love do you have for your father, you should always remember that you have a great love for your dad and even a greater love for God the Father.

By Jennifer Thach

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