I was recently feeling overwhelmed with my busy schedule. I guess everyone has good days as well as bad days. This par-ticular Thursday, however, the pressures of my daily home and church life were really bothering me. I began to compare myself with others, and wondered if my “lot” was too hard.
My little boys and I had a dentist appointment that same day. As we were waiting in the dentist’s reception area, the front door began to crack open slowly. Quietly hobbling in was an older African-American woman on crutches, with four different bags dangling off her tired form. She had just ridden two different bus routes to come to the dentist’s office. Looking closer, I realized why this old lady moved so slowly. She only had one leg. My four year old whispered with great curiousity, “Mommy, what happened to her leg?” I whispered back, “I don’t know, but don’t ask her, she might feel sad.” As the lady settled into her seat, somehow I felt a certain awkwardness in that room. Then I felt God prodding me saying, “Just talk to her.”
I started a conversation with this lady and she began telling me about her childhood. She was happy as a child living in the east, and had many relatives and church family to support her. Her mother became ill, and they moved to California for treatment. Her mother later died of cancer and she was left alone, far from her family. She had some dissappointing relationships, and grew further away from God. She later fell into deep depression and had her nervous breakdown. I never asked why she lost her leg, but I am sure it contributed to her problems.
After her story, the lady seemed happy to have someone to talk to. Now she counts at least few things she is thankful for everyday. Although she still faces obstacles, she thinks positive and keeps a smile on her face. Listening to this poor lady’s story, I was reminded once again to be thankful for the many blessings God has given to me. “But godliness with contentment is great gain” (I Timothy 6:6). I believe God sent her that day for me to remind me not to complain in self-pity and think about the struggles of other people.
The Bible says, “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5). This text is a great encouragement for me, because I can be content with what God has given me and not be envious of others. God reminded me in that dentist’s office, that He is always near to help and support me and that He has always blessed me along the way, even when I did not notice.
Ly Lan Nguyen
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