My husband and I have three little boys; and what they look forward to each evening is playing with their
dad. They love to jump on his back for “horsey rides,” tickle him, and wrestle with him. I just sit far away and watch, they are too rough for me! Our boys at home all day with me, so when their dad comes home, they burst into excitement. The sound of the garage door opener signals the arrival of dad.
Sometimes my husband has to come home late, so the boys have to skip the “horsey rides” and go straight to bed. I tell them, “Don’t worry, Dad will play with you next time.” Even at their young ages, they understand and reply, “Okay, Mom.”
As the year is soon coming to an end, I think of how fast time has gone by. A new year is just around the corner. Our boys are growing up so fast with each passing season. I hope they will always be excited to see and spend time with their dad as they do now.
You know that our Lord is coming soon too. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, will come back to take us home to heaven. Even though His long awaited return seems delayed, do not lose hope. The Bible says, “Be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh.” (Matt. 24:44).
We are living in momentus times. Prophecy is fast fulfilling. This world is soon coming to an end. We must be ready and waiting for Christ’s soon return. Let us all do our part in sharing the gospel to those around us. Our Savior will explain the reasons why certain events and circumstances happened in our lives to perfect our characters. We will see the untainted beauty of heaven and live in our eternal home with our loving heaveny Father. He is coming soon!
Ly Lan Nguyen
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