Tiếng Anh

Are You Ready?

“Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh” (Matthew 25:13).

When I began college away from home, it was a great transitional period for me. Growing up, I was always with my family going to church and following God’s leading the best I knew how. My parents were always there to guide and nurture me through childhood and then through the teenage years. Suddenly, when I entered an out-of-state University, I was on my own and very far from home.
Now it was up to me to decide on my studies, what my goals in life were, and most importantly, how God would fit into my life. I had a busy schedule with my school and work. Oftentimes, I would stay up late into the wee hours of the night working out a project or cramming for a mid-term or final exam.
I remembered thinking, maybe religion is for when you are older, when you have your own family, or when you have more free time. But I soon realized, there is never a perfect time or a time in the day when there is nothing to do. There is laundry to do and bills to be paid, etc. Time with God means that I make time for Him. I learned so much about myself and my relationship with God during those college years.
Before I spent time with God almost as a requirement, as if God needed it. I discovered that I was the one that desperately needed time with God, not vice versa. I needed His comfort when I was distressed, I needed His guidance when I did not know where to turn. When I felt helpless and alone, God was the only one there for me. Knowing God has become a part of me, not some religion that is optional during free time. God shows me each day that He is with me and that He will never separate me from His love.
Whenever there is no time for God in our busy schedule, something is definitely wrong. I thought I was busy as a college student, but life is no less hectic now being a Pastor’s wife, mother of four, and still having many other responsibilities. The key is, are we right with God today? If Jesus were to come, would you be ready? When we spend time each day with God in prayer and Bible study, we will be ready, whatever happens in life. God is our constant Companion and Friend in all life’s journeys.
Ly Lan Nguyen

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