As the war between the United States of America and Iraq progresses, many people wonder, “What is my
position on this war? Is the war a sign of the last days? How will I be affected? When will we have peace?”
Originally, the U.S. assumed that the conflict would be short and decisive, with only a few casulties. But after a week into the battle, some experts realize that the U.S. may not have prepared for the possible difficulties. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Richard Myers said, “This [war] is going to take some time, and the tough part is yet ahead of us.” In Luke 21:7-36, the Bible describes the events of the last days of this world’s history. There will be wars, and “nation shall rise against nation.” The war in Iraq is yet another solemn reminder that this earth’s history may soon come to a close.
In the same chapter of Luke 21, three distinct groups of people are described. The first group of people are found in Luke 21:26 NKJV, “Men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of heaven will be shaken.” This group of people are filled with anxiety about the crisis ahead. With the war in Iraq, many people fall into this category of fearfulness. They are afraid of events that may happen which they cannot control. They do not know where to turn for peace of mind and hope for the future.
A second group of people in the last days are not concerned about war and tribulation. They do not make time to think about their spiritual life or if they are right with God. They are too busy with their every day lives, going to parties, increasing their wealth, etc. These people are so busy with the cares of this life that when the end of the world comes, they will not be spiritually ready. Luke 21:34 says, “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that day come on you unexpectedly.”
The Bible admonishes us to be people who are watching and praying to be ready for Christ’s second coming. In Luke 21:36 it says, “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” If we are committing our lives to God daily, we will always be ready when Christ returns. When Christ comes again, then this world will have true peace, peace with mankind and peace in our hearts with God.
Ly Lan Nguyen
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