It was such a thrilling and happy time for me on April 15, 2000. No, not because I had already filed my income taxes
before the deadline, but because I had the opportunity to see thirteen Vietnamese people give their hearts to God by baptism and profession of faith, as a result of the Revelation of Hope meetings! Nothing else encourages and uplifts my spirits as seeing men and women, boys and girls from all walks of life accept and follow Jesus Christ.
What does it mean to be baptized? In Mark 16:16 it says, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved…” We can be saved from sin. Just like Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, baptism represents our death to sin, burial of our old life, and resurrection to a new life in Christ. By faith and belief in God, we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. Baptism is an outward witness and testimony that we choose Christ and that we commit our lives to Him.
Here are a few of the testimonies from some of the special people who were baptized:
• “After many, many years on a road of life that just went in circles, I have found the truth in God’s word and I want to be baptized. I want to go on the straight road to God and have eternal life.”
• “After learning the truths found in the Bible during the Revelation of Hope meetings, I just have to be baptized, there is no other way!”
• “Baptism is a symbol of a new life in Christ. I am so glad that after 51 years, it is not too late to give my life to God and be baptized.”
• “After years of wrestling with the temptations of Satan, I want a new life in Jesus.”
I hope that you too have been inspired by these baptisms and testimonies. The invitation of a new life in Christ is offered to each and everyone. Jesus Christ in our life is the answer to all our heartaches and sorrows. His promise and gift of life is full and free, lasting for eternity.
Ly Lan Nguyen
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