Tiếng Anh

He Is Alive!

The Sabbath of March 29th was a beautiful spring morning. The church was decorated with many beautiful flowers brought in by several church members. This year our church commemorated Christ’s resurrection with a special service. This was a special program to remind everyone about the reason for the death that our Lord Jesus had to endure, and about the good news that our Lord has also triumphed over death.

The service started with a song performed by the Children’s Sabbath School, and it was in Vietnamese. I was pretty impressed with that (I did not know the song, therefore was not among the singers). Next there was a play called, “The Artist.” The play was a message about the good news that Jesus was on earth, that He had gone back to heaven, and that He will return. Then Bà Kezia Nguyễn and Bà Lê Huân sang a very moving song, “Ghết-sê-ma-nê.” The song was about the last moment Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane to pray to His Father, and the soldiers came to arrest Him. Finally, a cheerful song was sung by the church’s Youth Class, “Christ the Lord is Risen Today”.

The children’s story this week was told by Chi Ðan Vinh. It was in English. The story was about the reason why Jesus had to be on this earth, about His death, and about His resurrection.

Pastor Vinh also had a special message for everyone. I hope everybody who attended this Sabbath received many blessings through these songs and messages. Personally, it is always a wonderful feeling to know that My Lord has triumphed over the power of death and that HE IS ALIVE – not just in Heaven but in my heart.

Ben Tom

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